For shadowing in week four I (Todd) went to Werda. Werda is in southern Botswana on the South Africa border. I met Paul in the town he normally does his shopping in, which is a few hours on a bus from his house. In Werda Paul and I spent Thursday and Friday at the compound where he works. The compound holds the clinic and the SNDC office. The SNDC is a social work office that works to provide goods and services to the needy in the community. I had a great time shadowing Paul. It was a great opportunity to see exactly what the role of a volunteer is in their community. The role of a volunteer in the Peace Corps is unique from a traditional volunteer elsewhere in that our main focus is not to simply do work for organizations but to build the capacity of the local organizations to do the work themselves. The role of a Peace Corps volunteer is more a catalyst than anything else. We have spent a lot of time in training talking about how we analyze the needs of the community and build programs to fit those needs. Through this process we have a Batswana counterpart that hopefully can either keep the project sustainable after our leave or train others to do the same. In Paul's case he has found a great need for many members of his clinic to learn how to use computers better. The Botswana government has set up a great software database for organizing its ARV distribution but Paul found that many people in the clinic simple didnt know how to use the software correctly. Paul also works with other employees of the clinic compound on a community garden. He and I spent some time on Friday creating what he calls a 'sack garden' out of a large woven plastic food sack. I have faith that it will work great at growing plants in the arid, sandy desert climate of Werda. At the end of shadowing Paul took another volunteer and I to a private reserve and lodge called Kalahari Rest. We went on a really great game drive. We saw impala, wildebeests, hyena(s?), kudu, and jackals. After the game drive we had a great dinner. I had an eland steak! It was the best meat I have had since I have been here. It was really refreshing to spend some time away from our training town for a few days and recharge.
I (Amanda) went to a large village of 50,000-ish called Kanye (yes, Like "Kanye West") with 2 other trainees; Paris and Joel. Parisa and I met Michelle in Gaberone for a very very exciting, relaxing and all around wonderful break into a westernized society! We were dropped off at the Peace Corps office (very nice!) and then walked across the street to hang out in the mall all day. We had great food, window shopped and (the best part) discovered a one-of-a-kind, proper coffee shop that I could have actually seen in Seattle! At “Café Dijo” [literally, Café Food…terrible name for the place) we relaxed in a sophisticated environment; on plush couches amongst white cottage-like tables and chairs, beautiful paintings and shelves of wine. We indulged in a proper chocolate cake and apple torte (we didn’t have to use our imaginations, as we do when we eat dessert in Moleps) and a proper iced latte with real brewed espresso! This was one of the highlights of the whole week for me…a fantastic relief from PST (Pre Service Training). After hanging out in Gabs and getting to know these wonderfully funny and fun girls, we took a beautiful bus ride to Kanye and from the Bus Rank, a taxi to Michelle’s home.
She lived in a nice 2 bedroom home on a family compound with running water and electricity. We made a nice (American!) meal before more girl time and heading to bed. The next day I finally got to see what a day in the life of an NGO Volunteer might be like ---this is the type of volunteer I will be. We started out for work with her at 7am. She works at a ‘Faith Based Organization’ called Lesedi Counceling Center. The councilors there do all sorts of community work from counseling Orphans and Vulnurable Childrent (OVC) on lifeskills and other needs to testing and counceling those who think they may have HIV, to marriage counseling. They are a really fantastic organization. The day opened with a devotion- prayer, short bible reading and of course song.
Michelle has an interest in finance so she works in the Finance office with one Motswana, updating and upgrading their entire accounting and finance system. She also does a lot of Grant writing - requesting money from International and National donors to keep the doors of the center open. The afternoons are spent doing capacity building initiatives- this is of course, what we are here for. She trains and supervises other staff members using the tools she created. We “knocked off” work at 4:30 and went home to more fun and more delicious, Americanized foor…Taco salad!!!!!
The next day involved a hike with Joel and his host …this was really more a wondering into the hills if beautiful Kanye. After free climbing a cliff, we were met by two cows at the top of the plateau! Hahaha!
Parisa and I spent the afternoon reading American magazines and watching TV shows on the computer.
After another amazing feast with the boys that night, consisting of BBQ burgers and homemade fries, we went to a bar where we met a great group of guys who were very interested in talking to us about HIV/AIDS and their lives. It was very fun and unexpected.
The next day we met up with 10 other shadow/shadowee groups in another beautiful town- that actually was supposed to be the capitol at one point- and dined on “pizza” at a hotel. That night involved a spontaneous camping trip to a nearby lake (again- way too much fun) where it took about 1.5 to light our fire of damp wood! This was the pefect way to round out our week of laughter, story telling and “learning” .
On the way home, Parisa and I went through Gabs again just to go to a restaurant and get real coffee!
If you haven’t noticed, comfortable, familiar and recognizable food is a HUGE relief from the stress of the new culture, PST, language learning and everything else that is non-stop.
So I can credit the awesomeness of this week mostly to the wonderful food that our great host purposefully cooked for us, as well as the laughter and great stories.
Overall, I feel well prepared for my service after all of the tips, experiences and stories that were shared .
Site announcement is in just 6 days on my birthday!!!!!
Yesterday we went out on a field trip to see some local Botswana historical locations. Our first stop was at a cave painting site. It was fascinating to see these wall paintings that are over 2000 years old. The wall featured paintings of giraffe, kudu and people. Some of which require a bit of an imagination to see the figure but most of the paintings are remarkably vivid for their age. After the wall paintings we traveled down the road to Livingstone's Tree. This was the tree David Livingstone supposedly spent a lot of his time while in Botswana. For our last stop we went to a cultural village. The cultural village serves as a theatrical way of showing people how the people of Botswana use to live. We were treated to some very neat traditional dances and a marriage ceremony.
check our pictures on Facebook because it takes too long to upload them here.
Kebelo and Lorato